Meeting with Rick
Great meeting today with 50 of our Saddleback staffleaders and Rick. Aside from the myriad of one liner leadership nuggets I got from listening to him, I was really encouraged.
Rick is revisiting with us the 10x10 goals and it looks like we are going to be recalibrating those goals to make them more accessible, more clear, more personal, more pronounced and celebrate our progress more often!
Why do we have goals? He reminded us, "because they are statements of faith!" That God is going to do something in this time through us.
We set goals because Jesus commands us in Matthew 28.19-20 to go and make disciples! This requires goals to move forward in this... fires me up.
More to come on this one.
He also threw out some ideas of how to leverage PD CONNECTION and the PD website because he sees the need for us to provide tools for people to connect with God and one another daily. He challenged us to think through some ways to use it in a creative way to help more and more people get connected - stay tuned.
If you haven't checked out the site, it's here.
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