Great Gathering
Hey Saddleback Irvine Leaders!
I am sure you were wiped with all of the wonderful chaos Sunday. But you still showed up to our Campus Life Leadership meeting - thank you for, as Joe so articulately says in CR, "sitting your bums down". Ha! So much of ministry is just showing up and seeing what God will do. It was a joy to be with you Sunday.
The staff is reading Spiritual Leadership by Oswald Sanders (a good basic leadership book you may consider going through with your team) and I just read Chapter 11 for this week. A nugget I wanted to pass along (it's on prayer and leadership):
"When I go to prayer," confessed an eminent Christian, "I find my heart so loath to go to God, and when it is with Him, so loath to stay."
I can relate to this. No, not the eminent part... the prayer part.
I relearn this all of the time. I know what I need deep down but I double check elsewhere first. I wander from one distraction to another, "God, I'll get to you later", "let me do this first" or I think to myself, all I need is that Del Taco #12 meal to satiate my restless heart... that will do it. Ugh, did I just eat that?
And yet, as I do what Fields' says in his new book REFUEL, I STOP, am QUIET... and CONNECT... I LOVE IT!
Do you guys experience this? What do you do to help your overcome your barriers to pray?
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