
Derek's reflection/recap on Irvine Campus Life meeting

Hello fellow servants at Irvine. I recorded a short video (under 7 minutes... that's short when compared to the 2-hr meeting) trying to quickly recap two deliverables I requested from Ministry Leaders at the breakout session. And I also reflected upon a personal experience from a visit to Lake Forest through the lens of our serving values: K.P.M.T.H.E.N. asking the people which value was not observed.

If you need a refresher on those values, look over to the right side of the blog under "Serving Values." =)

For reference when watching video (you'll need sound by the way), "IUSD" refers to Irvine Unified School District and in my case this elementary school that we are renting. Also, I may have mentioned that the next Irvine Campus Life Meeting is March 15. PLEASE NOTE: the corrected date is March 22 and all volunteers are invited (not just volunteer leaders). We'll be recognizing the one-year anniversary of Saddleback Irvine.


Erin February 20, 2009 at 12:55 AM  

Most of all, I love your hair Derek. Can I get an Amen?

Unknown February 20, 2009 at 9:28 AM  

I actually felt that the value you were demonstrating was "multiplying yourself" ;).

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