Weekend Sweetness
Hey Team, I just wanted to share with you some cool stuff I saw today.
I think I may do this every week.
Actually, it would be cool if you shared too. Please comment!
- We had 11 people get baptized today! I love hearing the stories of how people came to a decision about Jesus and why they wanted to be baptized.
- The message HIT people - God was on the move. Brandon did a fabulous job. People loved seeing Stearns on stage at Lake Forest (that's our guy!).
- Fresno Pacific brought their (basketball???) team to church - so cool, at least for the people sitting in front of them.
- I had a great meeting with Derek and many of our deaf congregants regarding next steps for making it an official ministry. They were so receptive and positive.
- I cannot tell you the joy I have when I see our leaders and teams enjoy one another. You guys love each other!
- Dan S. is on fire for the Motel Outreach - heck, he has a BINDER.
- I heard Ron H. gave a hilarious interview with Cody regarding his mustache.
- Linda A. is ENGAGED! WHOOHOO - congrats!
- Susan F. was finally back at church after her medical treatments - she shared with me how POWERFUL this campus, the data entry team and her small group have been in her life. Ask her what real fellowship looks like - she experienced it.
- "Jim" prayed to receive Christ during the 9am service - gave him a FSWG kit. Thanks Mary for pointing him out to me. (Psstt, his name wasn't Jim).
- We had our highest attendance on a non-launch or RW weekend - 1130. Please pray for our search for a new facility - any leads, email me.
- We ran out of bulletins.
- We ran out of space.
- Cody is not allowed to interview me impromptu with a video camera on stage anymore.:)
- There definitely is a hole in the baptismal.
- Can you believe it has almost been a year? March 23rd is our 1 year anniversary! (we will be celebrating it on Sunday, March 22nd).
so GREAT to see the cool things that are happening!
We have a great campus Pastor
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