
Help! I need somebody.

Ok, that was a reference to a quite famous Beatles song.

If you haven't heard Pastor Erin say it recently, let me reiterate something.... The Saddleback Irvine Campus has thrived this past year because of the faithful service of all of you! What a blessing it has been to serve alongside all of you.

We're excited to launch a third Sunday service at Irvine (4:30 PM beginning Easter Sunday, April 12). God is allowing us another opportunity to reach more people in the community that do not know Him.

Yes, we're making announcements to recruit more volunteers... we're placing ads in the weekend bulletin. But what I've found to be most successful is a personal ask. Similar to sharing your testimony, people get more excited about serving when they hear how fulfilling it is in your life. My question to you is this, "Who can you invite to serve alongside you?" Your small group members? The new friend you sit next to during services?

Another blessing which I'd like to share with you is that three different people privately told me that they'll do "whatever it takes" to make the Sunday 4:30 service a success. I love Saddleback Irvine!!!


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